Research for the development of intelligent tools for building energy modeling and optimization (Deepsmart) is a coordinated project which is being developed under the colaboration of the University of Vigo and the University of Basque Country.
Each university has a specific task inside the whole project:
- Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Energy Management and Building Performance Certification (DeepBEM) – University of VIgo
- Towards Smart Buildings, research of energy monitoring techniques for the evaluation, certification and optimization of control (SMARTECH) – University of the Basque Country
The main objetives in this project are:
- Different scenarios in which the buildings can operate will be designed and stored in the data repository to proceed to optimize the operation of the energy production and storage facilities.
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods will be used to optimize the operation of the building’s facilities according to the most realistic usage scenario among those defined.
- A tool will be designed to communicate these optimized scenarios so that decisions can be made, such as heat pumps activation for building thermal mass charging, electric vehicle recharging, battery recharging, grid injection or consumption.